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A Message of Optimism

A Message of Optimism   Image

Now is the time for the optimists, forward thinkers, entrepreneurs and innovators of society to stand up, show initiative, leadership and get focused on the endless amount of new and unexpected problems desperately in need of solutions. For those in search of purpose in life, what greater contribution is there than contributing to ending the suffering of your fellow humans and creating relief for those who need it most. Everyone has a chance to do it on some level, those with extraordinary talent or ability, this is a chance to stand up, to make a difference and not just a dollar. What greater "WHY' is there? Pivot, shift, think outside the box and look to turn as many negatives into positives as you can, bear the greatest load you can carry for those beside you. It isn't all doom and gloom there is still plenty to be grateful for. 



Video compilation by Kollektiv Agency
Ft: Thomas Jack, Charlie Chaplin, Alan Watts,Prince Ea, Matthew McConaughey

by - Daniel Gadd 

Director - The Cavalry / Kollektiv Agency

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